Monday, December 20, 2010

look what is happening now!!!

hello everyone,
like i promised now i would like to share with you something that will make you shocked. it was about people killing whales and dolphin in a BIG SCALE! whales and dolphin were species that had been harmed by homo sapiens for a long time. back then since the sail boat had been created. when people started to know how to sail. i would like to share with you some information regarding to this issues:

  • The blue whales of the Antarctic are at less than 1 percent of their original abundance, despite 40 years of complete protection. Some populations of whales are recovering but some are not.
  • Only one population, the East Pacific grey whale, is thought to have recovered to its original abundance, but the closely related West Pacific grey whale population is the most endangered in the world. It hovers on the edge of extinction with just over 100 remaining.
  • Recent DNA evidence shows that the impact of commercial whaling may be even worse than previously thought. Most estimates of historic whale population size have been extrapolated from old whaling figures, but this method is often very inaccurate, according to marine biologist Steve Palumbi of Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station in California, USA.
  • In 2003 Palumbi and his colleagues used DNA samples to estimate that humpback whales could have numbered 1.5 million prior to the onset of commercial whaling in the 1800s.
  • That number dwarfs the figure of 100,000 previously accepted by the IWC based on 19th century whaling records. Humpback whales currently number only 20,000.
  • Japanese delegates to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) constantly refer to a 1990 estimate of the Antarctic minke population of 760,000. But that figure was withdrawn by the IWC in 2000 because recent surveys found far fewer minkes than the older ones.
look how serious this case is. pictures below are showing the life of whales and dolphins before they being harmed:


but, this what human do to horrible=(

are we happy? not enough? read this:

  • Each year over 20,000 dolphins are stabbed to death in the coastal waters of Japan. Most of the Japanese people don't even know this happens. However, the meat is often put into school lunch programs and contains extremely high levels of mercury, DDT and other toxins that are also poisoning tens of thousands of school children. The dolphins are full of these toxins since they live in coastal areas of places with a lot of industry, sewer drainage (it always goes to the ocean) and chemical runoff.

that is all i had to say. thank you.