Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Oh Dad...I'm Sorry"

"I want that shirt!" I yelled at him.
"Be patient my dear son. I shall buy that shirt for you. But, now it's not the time yet." He replied politely just to make sure that i would not get angry with him.
"Why must i be your son?!" I continued scolding him and that ended the conversation.
     The name given by my mother was Ethan. she died while delivering me. I never saw her. After that, i was taken cared off by my father, Mr Authour. I seriously regretted the fact that i was born into this family. The family of nothing. The family that was extremely poor. I could even see the light-blue sky, the bright moon and the shining stars without opening the cracked windows. I lived in an old, wooden house waiting the time to collapse. It was full of holes with different sizes and shapes, sometimes i can see faces if i stared really hard. you could not have imagine how easy it was for the rain drops to enter my house. For me, my father never took good care of me. All my requests were never fulfilled.

     Living in that stupid house with such an irresponsible dad was such a headache. But, that was not the worst.  The worst of all was during the first day of school, during introduction, other colleagues were talking about backgrounds, hobbies and favorite things joyously,but i chose to sit at the back of the class. i skipped the most dragging and most humiliating moments in my life. i literally have NOTHING to share. When asked, i said that i was adopted by an unknown person who don't know the meaning of responsibility. But, something had happened and that had changed my relationship with my father. This was how it started.

     It was a gloomy day. The sun did not shine as usual and seemed to be shy of its rays. The cloud seen dancing in the sky was a sign of upcoming rain. I woke up and opened the dirty windows of mine. The birds did not chirp, the chickens were sleeping soundly in the coop. It was so silent that morning. 
"Tuk! Tuk!"
     I heard the sound of my window being knocked. I looked down and it was Joe throwing medium size stones at my cracked windows. had him used a bigger stones, he would be able to tear some down. He was my neighbor, a timid, chubby yet a very boastful person. But, he lived in a huge house made by diamonds and golds. It was a castle of honey and milk for me. It was my dream house.
"What do you want?" I asked him.
" Come down now. I want to show you something." He replied in a hurry. 
     I tip-toed to the kitchen and saw the wooden door. I was trying to escape from this hell. Actually I was forbidden to go out and I needed to help my father with his job. My step were very light and smooth, not to break the a pin-dropped silent. I grabbed the rusted steel knob and turned it to the right. Out the door i was, running as fast as I could after successfully opened the door. It was so fast even Usain Bolt was not a match for me. I could feel my heart rate increasing.
     After a few yards of running, hyperventilating, I tried to slow down and walk to Joe's house. When I reached there, Joe was sitting on the bench on his corridor waiting for me. 
"Come in please." he invited me in.
     I was shocked to see his beautiful house for only from few  inches away from my eyes. My hand involuntarily touched the wall and my tears began to flow. I was thankful to god for giving me this opportunity to come here for the first time although i had been a friend of Joe since kindergarten. 

     He brought me to his room. It was much different than mine. After a few seconds in my euphoric delusion, he surprised me by showing his new lap-top.
"What! Another computer?!" I asked curiously.
"Yes. For his beloved son. What about you?"
     I hung my head down and started to think what a stupid decision it was to come here and be humiliated like this. With little energy to spare, I just smiled and shaked  as a sign that I did not have one of that modern technology.
"You should try mine." He invited me politely.
     I took the computer and opened it with excitement.
     The computer blew up. Now, it was true that curiosity kills the cat. I was very scared. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably producing a cold sweat. My adrenaline rushed into the blood stream preparing for 'fight or flight' situation. I did know what to do. I had no money to pay for that expensive gadget. I just realized that he was tricking me, so dumb and so late to notice.
"Hahaha!" He laughed proudly.
"But...But...I don't have money." I replied while sobbing. It was a trap and I jumped right into it. Congratulation!
"Go and asked your father. Lie or die!" He ordered me while pointing to the way out from his room and straight to the opened well-crafted wooden main door.
     I was out from that horrible place, a fake paradise and marched to my house. I saw my father working. I ran to him, smiling and started to help him with his job. A few hours later, after all our works finished, I asked him to give me some money. I told him that I wanted to buy books. He was shocked after listening to my request. I never asked for books before and I never scored in any of my examinations. He looked at me suspicously, eye to eye, man to man.
"Son...I can't give you now." He told me.
"Why?" My tone was starting to rise.
"because...You can't borrow it from the library. Can't you?" he talked to me back with a slow voice.
"What kind of father are you?! I want to buy books for the sake of my study! But, you won't help me!" I finally yelled at him.
"I'm so sorry my dear."
"Argh!!! What an irresponsible father I have and why must mum die so early living me with YOU!"
     I climbed the staircase and entered my room. I slammed the door to show my anger, the whole house shook.

     The sun had switched his duty with the moon. I slept early tonight. i slept soundly. It was so cold due to the heavy downpour. But, in the noisy environment, i could barely hear a sound of someone crying. I walked as stealth as i could. Then, I peeked through a hole in my father's wall. I saw him sitting on the wooden floor and crying alone. I could not hear the words he spoke but i could see his mouth was saying something. But,one thing for sure, his tears were falling like Niagara waterfalls. Involuntarily, I could sense a warm colorless liquid flowing on both cheeks. Since then, I became nicer to him. A few weeks later, I told him what had happened on that day and he smiled. He said that he already paid back the computer that I had broken on the day after with the money he had saved. He said that he was proud me for telling the truth. we hugged each other. This incident had woke me up from a slumber of ungratefulness into a new perspective, seeing a new horizon, it made me happy to say the least that I had the most handsome, responsible and loving father. I loved him very much, to the moon and back. I started to follow his advises because I knew that he knows what was the best for me. Now, I'm a successful man yet a very kind-hearted person. It is all about obeying my father. Back then, I realized that it was a huge misunderstanding, I was glad we worked it out.

thank you for reading=)


  1. nice one..pops..haha..i remember helping u writing it at medan pelajar.....skrg ni, kau pun nak post cite..haha..
